Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Animal Cruelty

Yesterday, was a very emotional day! A black cat named "Pepper" that was abandoned as a kitten and we fondly grew to love - was allegedly shot in the head by a neighbor of my mothers and left for the dogs to eat.

What is wrong with our society? This was also done in front of a group of kids as witnesses. What kind of message does this present to the kids?

The local police department was called and they stated nothing could be done. If an animal walks on your property your allowed to shoot it. I would think that- that is animal cruelty. The cat wasn't harming anyone and was just being a cat.

There was a lady in Lakeland, Florida recently that did the same thing and was charged with animal cruelty and using a firearm in public (on her own property). Why is it okay in one county but not in another?

May Pepper rest in peace.

Follow-up to above situation.
A Corporal Deputy came out and questioned my mother and i regarding what happened. He apologized for it not being taken serious and it is now under investigation. We understand it won't bring the cat back - but  want justice for what happened. This is not the first time this man has pulled out a gun and shot an animal. Besides that, he's a hunter.

All the neighborhood kids know what happened. This sends a message that it's ok to shoot a cat or any animal "just because". I know i don't want my son thinking that's alright. We didn't want our son to know what happened - but with everything going on - he now knows. He's very upset and showed anger and said "A bad man shot my Pepper". We were all attached to the cat. He was a very sweet and loving cat. We will miss him.


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